MyWhiteSHOW: 9/11 So Simple

9/11 is so simple, the gist of it fits in one verse of a song.

9/11 is, of course, September 11, 2001, the day when two airplanes hit two World Trade Center towers but three towers fell.

The song is “The Q Is WHO.”

The verse is this:

They wrote the CONstitution before the convention.
They wrote the Patriot Act before 9/11.

Arabs didn’t own the planes and towers.
Arabs didn’t win the 4billion dollars.
Muslims didn’t warn the tribe to stay away.
Muslims don’t make media lie every day.

9/11 is that simple.

Let’s take it from the top.

“They wrote the CONstitution before the convention.” True. This is not the place to go into detail, but James Madison Jr. and Alexander Hamilton brought their draft to the convention. Congress had specified that the convention was for enhancing the Articles of Confederation, not overthrowing that constitution.

Everybody knows Alexander Hamilton was a jew. Apparently nobody but me knows James Madison Jr. was, too. They sprang their nobody-takes-accountability monstrosity of a government on the war-weary population.

The only good part of the CONstitution is the Bill Of Rights, which real Founding Fathers, White Founding Fathers, insisted on adding to the new CONstitution.

They wrote the Patriot Act before 9/11.” True. The infamous PNAC group, a group of “neo-con” jews, had said that “a new Pearl Harbor” was necessary to create the crisis necessary for them to inflict their huge set of anti-White, anti-Freedom, war-mongering legislation on the country and the world.

Right after 9/11, they submitted their montrous Patriot Act to Congress, too soon to have written such a humongous “legal” document in so little time. Congress passed it without reading it. The president at the time, the dumbest of the crypto-jew Bushes, signed it without reading it.

Arabs didn’t own the planes and towers.” True. Arabs didn’t own the airlines, nor control the military cargo planes, whichever they really were that were flown into World Trade Center towers One and Two.

Ownership was, and is, important because owners had to be part of the plan to go along with the government and media lies about the planes and the supposed hijackers and the automatic airport security-cam videos that have been kept secret from us to this day, and will be forever, if they still exist.

There’s no need to go into detail. Arabs/Muslims were blamed by Israelis, the U.S. government, and the U.S. media. But Arabs had no control there. Jews did.

Also, Arabs didn’t own the towers. Again, ownership is very important. The three towers fell straight down, didn’t buckle over as you would expect skyscrapers hit from one side would do IF they were going to fall at all.

Now, here’s a point nobody but me makes, and makes clear. Inside the towers was the strongest part: the elevator towers from underground to the very top. Those massive steel-reinforced concrete towers could not possibly fall straight down without pre-planted explosives from top to bottom.

The owner(s) of the buildings and the security company hired by the owner(s) would know very well if another company’s team of explosives installers were going in and out of the buildings every day for weeks.

Have you been in any highrise office building, especially one owned by jews? I have. You cannot get beyond the entryway or first floor without security clearance. And that was true before 9/11.

Again, no need to go into detail. Arabs/Muslims didn’t own the towers, didn’t own the security company. Jews did, and still do. Larry Silverstein, a jew, is the well-known owner. He is on video, a PBS tv video, saying he and authorities discussed the situation about WTC Building 7 and gave the order “to PULL IT.” That’s controlled-demolition jargon.

Arabs didn’t win the 4billion dollars.” True. Larry Silverstein had become the owner only about six weeks before 9/11, and of course he fully insured the buildings, including against terror attacks. He claimed that each building felled was a separate terror attack, and got $4.5 billion dollars in insurance payout. That wasn’t all, but that is the total that anyone can verify by a simple internet search.

Therefore, who gained by the destruction of 9/11? Not Arabs. Not Americans. Only jews. Larry Silverstein and his jews. The wars in the Middle East said to be payback for 9/11 have all been for Israel’s benefit. None other.

Muslims didn’t warn the tribe to stay away.” “The tribe” is jewry. They often call themselves a tribe, as anyone can see by a simple search including names of the jews’ big online publications, such as the “Forward,” “Ha’aretz,” and the “Times of Israel.” The jews who worked in the WTC or typically went there for other purposes were warned to stay away that day. How?

One absolutely known way was their jews-only messaging service, Odigo. Whites had no prior warning. Arabs had no prior warning. Asians had no prior warning. Only jews.

Muslims don’t make media lie every day!” Does this need any explanation at all? Well, maybe, for newcomers to this issue. The media never mention WTC 7 when they mention 9/11. They only mention the “twin towers.” Why?

Because WTC 7 blows out of the water their whole huge lie about jet fuel causing fires that melted steel and caused total collapse. No plane, nothing but some debris, hit WTC 7, yet it went down, straight down, on the same day, at around 5pm. Obvious, undeniable, certain controlled demolition. Same owner, jew Larry Silverstein.

Who owns the big media, from the New York Times, to the Washington Post, to all the tv networks, and more? Jews do.

Jews bought the New York Times in 1896, for example. William Paley, jew, was a founder of CBS. David Sarnoff, jew, was founder of NBC. And on and on it goes. The jews lie every day through their media in concert with the lying government. Arabs/Muslims have nothing to do with it.

As the song says in the chorus:

The Question Is WHO. You wanna know who. You gotta know who. The Answer is JEWS.”

Now, I’m not here for newbies. And I’m not here to entertain my fellow knowledgeable Whites with what we already know.

Again, let me go to the song for what needs to be said.

They lied and murdered their way to the top.
And they aren’t gonna volunteer to stop

That’s simply true and very clear. Right?

Once more, to the end of the final verse:

We don’t need the sheeple’s two-cents.
We just need one round per enemy head

The enemy must be killed. The government trains the military to kill — but only in other countries — unless the jews have a group of U.S. Whites they want to kill by military power. In that case, the military gets put to work, illegally, right here in the USA.

A case in point: the military-FBI-ATF jew massacre of the mostly White group of Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Crypto-jews Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno, and their fellow tribe members made that happen.

The enemy must be killed. Soldiers from the USA go kill the supposed enemy — the jew-designated enemy — every day. Whoever the jews say to kill, away go the Special Forces, or the Army or Navy, or Air Force to kill them. And some of them don’t “go”: They sit in a cubicle here on U.S. soil and use weaponized drones to shoot and bomb people — people in their own countries — so that jewry can either gain control or increase their control over those people and those countries.

The members of the government and military, including all LEOs, take an oath, swearing that they will support and defend the United States, the CONstitution, and the American people from enemies FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Well, as I have made clear, the enemy Foreign And Domestic is jewry.

You military employees kill Arabs every day who, as long as they are across the ocean, are NO THREAT to the USA.

You kill Africans every day who, as long as they are across the ocean, are NO THREAT to the USA.

You need to kill jews every day — who ARE THE THREAT to the USA. And the worst of them are “Domestic” — they are right here among us.

Meanwhile, the best among us as lone wolves whittle away at the enemy population — a heroic and necessary activity. But we need help. We need more real White MEN to activate themselves. And we need more White LEOs, military, and other government employees to activate.

No need to “follow any leader.” No need to wait for some kind of authorization or permission. The enemy-controlled government will not give you permission!

Kill the enemy — the jews — now, and put a stop to

  • the Covid-19 Tyranny,
  • the poison vaccines,
  • the anti-White immigration,
  • anti-White Hollywood,
  • the jew crimes of the IRS, Federal Reserve, FBI, bATF, CIA.
  • Put a stop to child-trafficking, rapes, and murders. From Weinstein, to Epstein, to Maxwell, to Wexner, to the Rothschilds — they’re jews.
  • Put a permanent end to BLM, Antifa, and the rest of the anti-White criminal organizations created, funded, trained, armed, and unleashed by jews.

Kill the enemy jews.

Cowards run from me, from this site, from this very suggestion. But we have the free-speech right to disagree with the government on who the enemies are and, naturally, on who must be killed.

I am not saying go rush out and make martyrs of yourselves. Hell, no. Let the enemy be the martyrs.

I am saying you should apply your White intelligence, your White inventiveness, and your White efficiency to plan your deeds to eliminate some enemy jews a.s.a.p. Keep yourself safe and free to do it again another day.

When enough of us join in, we will win.

Here’s the Big Picture:

Only White FORCE has ever established and maintained peace for Whites on this planet.

Our White Force must now rise up and do it again.


  1. You certainly don’t follow any crowd — either with your solution to our jew problem or with your toothbrush-mustache and beard combo. Meant as high compliment!

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