The Q Is WHO — by PATTON.45
Enjoy, if you will, a song and video by PATTON.45 featuring a clip and transcript of the famous George Carlin almost telling the whole truth.
The song, lyrics provided, tells you what Carlin would not. The song answers the question of “WHO?”
PS. Carlin was certainly anti-White. Evidence abounds in his acts and interviews. Why would I have him in a video then? To attract people who like him and his “big club” monologue but who have no clue to the full truth. By they way, for those who can handle the full truth, I did an article on my old WhitesWillWin website in which I presented the evidence and my conclusion that Carlin was a crypto-jew.
George Carlin was anti-white
Yes. Great link to a Very Good, extensive video. Thank you. I already knew a few examples of Carlin being anti-White, and on my previous website I made the call that he must have been a crypto-jew. But when I made this music video, I decided to USE his popularity across the (ignorant) Truth Movement to help bring attention to my songs, which would then tell the viewers/listeners about THE enemy, jewry.
Also, I thank you for the compliment on the song.
good song