YOU AND ME — new song


YOU AND ME. This song is most meant for us, you and me, we who know and act on the Top Truth. We are rare. Two main interpretations are intended, neither of which I will describe. Your personal interpretation is up to you.

I don’t mind saying that I was in particularly fine voice, especially for the verses. Hear for yourself, of course, and let me know what you think. (I’m inclined to re-sing the first verse of my previous song, Going Home. I think a lower pitch will make for comfortable and happy listening. Even I have not fully accepted that original version! Update, 10 Nov. 2024. I have done so. Try the new version of Going Home.)

Instrumentally, YOU AND ME is a three-piece song: One guitar, though it sounds like two. One bass guitar track. One drums track. And then there is the lead vocal with four backing vocals.

Upon completing those parts, I saw absolutely no need for a lead guitar, or keyboard touches, or anything else. Simple, strong, catchy, and done.

IF THREE INDEPENDENT fellow Whites each make a request to me by comment or email to make a video showing how I made this song, I will do so. I will show the chords, the riffs, the pickings, so that you can play the full song in the very same way. I will show the one-string change on my guitar. I will show my double-amp setup allowing the one guitar to sound like two. I will show where the first-verse voice came from. And whatever happily comes to mind. Make your comment or send your email soon. This offer is good through the end of 2024.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have just a few fellow musicians of sufficient skill and courage, along with a fellow White person with some money and a venue, to facilitate holding a gathering of us and playing a bunch of these songs live?

Here’s the song, as an mp3 file that you can play here or download to your computer or phone:


I always recommend listening to a song at least once before reading the lyrics. It is a song, not just a poem. The way the words are sung with the music can convey meanings and inspire interpretations that mere words on a page often cannot.


  1. There was a vote here for my making of the how-to video. Subsequently, I learned that he was not qualified to vote on this website. However, if two other votes come, I may — may — call it three.

  2. Since your last CONDEMNATION of my term “Ethnic-European”, I’m thinking that you’re not Ethnic-European Yourself (which explains why the Juden haven’t offed you).
    I use the term Ethnic-European to describe and distinguish THOSE BELONGING TO EVERYONE WHO BELONGS TO ETHNIC-EUROPEANS …….NOT SIMPLE EUROPEANS like migratory colonisers!
    Anyone can “label” themselves as “European”. But ONLY ETHNIC-Europeans ARE EUROPEAN!!!

    • Only RACIAL Europeans are Europeans. I tried to explain to you the proper difference between the terms “race” and “ethnicity,” but obviously it didn’t take.

      So, now you’re “thinking” that I’m not, by blood, of the White race, or the European race (two different names for our race.

      You call that “thinking.”

      I do think our Rulers, the jew race, (see what I did there? jew race, not jew ethnicity, not ethnic jews) tried to poison me to death in 2016-17 by the repeated mailing of tainted small bills as “donations.” But I very quickly suspected as much and took precautions. Whether my assessment of that is accurate or not, in recent years it is obvious why they haven’t offed me. I am beyond the age of concern and have only a small audience and no offline group of real MEN. Furthermore, they know that every position I take causes more of the mAsses to reject me. Examples: I know and say religions are nonsense, so Christians reject me. I know and say The Reality Of Race and that jewry is a race (which is the only way to explain their unity), so the mAsses programmed to not be “racist” reject me. I know and say the manned Moon landings did not happen, so “believers” in that hoax reject me. On and on.

      Many years ago, I initiated emails with JB Campbell. I’ll bet you don’t know who he is. I asked him why the jews hadn’t killed him. He said they tried twice by poisoning. His life was saved by a doctor — a female American Indian, and he married her. Since then, his influence and health waned. He was disgusted at the lack of Whites willing take action. I don’t know if he’s still alive. If he passed, I probably wouldn’t hear about it.

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