jIMPACT! Covid. R U With Me Yet?

Are you with me yet on the criminal “covid” hoax? I was right from the get-go, early 2020.

Let’s review.

See my CREDENTIALS page for the best of resources. In this case, see the listing for “Bechamp Or Pasteur?” to learn the truth about jew-glorified Louis Pasteur and the ongoing lies about so-called “vaccines.”


Verifiable facts, assembled into knowledge. And the best of us achieve wisdom atop that knowledge. Not opinions here. Not beliefs.


Jim Laffrey

Views: 5


  1. Thanks, Jim, for your COVID video. The only safe vaccine is the one not taken. Jonas Salk is the “father of mass vaccination”. jews created and mandated vaccines – up to 84 (meme) http://www.kirksvilletoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/daed4d4269850065-9049729.jpeg