My White Show. “FROM GOD.”
See the list of tags, below, for the many topics included in this show.
My intention is not to divide us. Sheesh, the divisions are already there! My intention is to unite intelligent Whites in Reality.
My position is, and I hope it’s true, that a stable and longlived unity among us can come from verifiable facts assembled into knowledge. Such unity can not come from any of the existing hodge-podge of beliefs based on mere hopes and self-contradictory myths and opinions.
Meanwhile, Whites may disagree with me in some ways, but we can still carry on working toward our common goals of ensuring the survival and prosperity of our White race and our defeat of jewry.
Jim Laffrey

Excellent train of logic breaking down man or der made religion. Always a unique perspective
. TV-less for 30 yrs, But curious if that antiwhite “Catherine the great” story made it to the Netflix series about her a few years ago. Aside: not a religious fella, but all these blatant hoax events & various unbelievable “Mandela Effects” seem to point to a supernatural realm where whites especially are subjected to trauma, possibly to test their “spirit.” Just the frustration of hearing continuous anti-white news & abuse is trauma. Like folks can’t see the obvious??
1. Thank you.
2. I don’t know about the Netflix series.
3. “Mandela Effects” is nonsense, but I guess you know that already, thus the quote marks.
4. “supernatural” does not exist. Only “natural” exists.
5. Like, the majority of folks cannot see the obvious.
I was one of those for the first 50 years of my life, so I know! I had been taught from childhood on through those years to “believe” in “White guilt” and “the human race.” I bought it. Nobody in real life even tried to tell me otherwise until I was 40. After that, I lived in Japan and then while I was living in Vietnam, I finally recognized racial patterns of behavior, thus the Reality of Race, and other vital truths fell into place. Better late than never, eh?
Alan Berg… that was the j radio host on a Denver call-in “show”, I believe