GR8 CLIPS 1. Trump Fake Shoot. Putin. Namer. Fetzer

Fake shooting. Fake blood.

GR8 CLIPS 1. Short vid clips. Minimal comments.

First up: The fake shooting of Donald Trump 13July2024. See the Secret Service sniper doing the fake shooting which triggers Trump, as planned, to raise his right hand to his right ear and bend down to the ground. And more.

Second: They all used to love Vladdy Putin. That was real, because they’re all jews. Now, they (Obama, Biden, Bush, etc.) pretend Putin is their enemy. Obvious hoax. They are all willing participants.

Third: One of the few, the honorable, jew-namers in city and/or county council meetings. When this starts happening in most cities and counties across the country, we’ll know progress is finally being made.

Fourth: Jim Fetzer and Gary King. Fetzer continues to improve. Now, he’s saying we Whites must fight to save our race. Correct.


Jim Laffrey


  1. “GR8” stuff. Nobody better. Just so you know, I follow and appreciate your work but will continue to rarely comment. That’s just me.

  2. Regarding “attempted assassination” of Trumpburgsteingeldt. His little fist in the air is all the tell I need. Obviously expected, scripted, rehearsed. Guys like Trump would shit their pants if they really thouhjt they were being shot at.

  3. im not too sure about fetzer, if he was genuine he would be exposing the jews more often, how long has fetzer been in the conspiracy truth movement and its taken him this long to talk about this stuff.

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