IT’S LITERALLY…! ep5. jew Bill Gates. Every State a Border State. FitzInfo Critique

IT’S LITERALLY…! episode5.

Come on, fellow writers and speakers in our White Truth Movement, get up to speed on at least the big-name crypto-jews!

Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Barack Obama and many more are crypto-jews. They’re jews. So is Russia’s Putin. In my 14 years of Truth work, I have published the conclusive evidence on all of them, as have some other webwriters. So, come on, FitzInfo and many more such sites!

Also in this episode, I delve a bit more into the history of my publications, such as my extensive exposure of crypto-jews in places I have lived.

Every State Is A Border State. Yes, if you live in the USA, no matter which state you live in, it is “a border state” in the sense that nonWhites are being flown and bused directly into your cities and towns. I give a photographic example here from Idaho.

Also, I make a note of the admirable Ammon Bundy in Idaho and his exposure of the state’s Child Protection Service as a branch of the jews’ pedophile-childraping-childtrafficking network. Here’s a related, very informative site by an associate of Ammon Bundy:

In addition, I’m happy to note that somebody is selling a t-shirt correctly stating that carbon-dioxide is not a pollutant. See previous shows for my explanation of the “carbon” criminal hoax, especially the “Your Car Exhaust Hurts No One” episode.


    • That’s a useful video you have linked, so I ok’d your comment. Please, in the future, I request that you always — always — provide a description of what’s at a link, never post just a bare link. Visitors deserve to know what they might be getting into by clicking a link.

      • Rebellious Goy

        Thanks, I put that together to highlight some of his kikery. Figured the link text was a good clue but ok, i can do descriptions. I just found your site thru someone mirroring a recent video onto bitchute. fyi. liking what i hear

      • Thank you very much. And I’m glad to hear someone is mirroring one or more of my vids over there on shitchute.

  1. Rebellious Goy

    Rev Phelps, probably regarding Landover Baptist Church

    • So, why don’t you tell us what that’s about rather than still leave it to me and other visitors to each do the search? I’m not going to do that search. I have the strong impression that ArthurSido blew it and was weirdly pro- Phelps before commenters clued him in that Phelps is/was a piece of shit. By the way, I see that you’ve put up some good videos and comments elsewhere, and that’s why I ok’d your two irksome comments here.

      • Rebellious Goy

        Sorry about that. What I was thinking of was Westboro Baptist Church, which you mentioned later when reading more. I guess I figured you’d heard of them and would add it up. Rev Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church followers used to make headlines with “God Hates Fags” signs, protesting at anal celebrations, surely that rings a bell. (when i made that comment I was confusing them with Landover Baptist which is something different)

      • Thanks. I was not aware of that info. I rarely seek, and rarely retain, statements by BELIEVERS or fake believers on what “God” thinks, hates, etc.

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