jIMPACT 2022-08-22 usa russia china
Understand the cooperation of USA, Russia, and China. Yes, this includes the current little war of Russia and Ukraine. Verifiable facts. Not opinion. Not belief.
Understand the cooperation of USA, Russia, and China. Yes, this includes the current little war of Russia and Ukraine. Verifiable facts. Not opinion. Not belief.
Born to White parents who were born in the U.S.A., of proud German and proud Irish ancestry. Consider how great our lives would be if we had been born and raised in a country controlled by our own people -- as it should be -- rather than controlled by jews pretending to be our own people.
SEE MY ‘FOMO For LINUX‘ Updates of Aug. 24 and Sept. 7, 2024. The experience. The lesson. The conclusion. LINK.
‘Stand Up To Jew Hate’ AGAINST US.
See what I did there? I used the enemy jews’ own poorly worded propaganda line against them. They’ve been flooding sports viewers with it, and I think I’ve seen it on youtube (jewtube). Let’s hit ’em back! Right-click on the image and copy it to your computer. Or go to my BOOKS+ Page to get the bigger version. It’s a meme. Paste it everywhere. I’ve alreaded sprinkled some on GAB posts igno on jews.
ALFRED SCHAEFER was released from prison, again, in Germany in February of this year. Watch “The Schaefers Show” to learn why I will NOT be interviewing Alfred and his sister Monika. The Schaefers fiasco.
THE SUPREMACIST Series! was launched August 18 (2023), the birthday of the great Meriwether Lewis. Not for sheeple, this series is for strong Whites already aware of jewry. Rise to the supreme level of truth on the problem and solution. The final episode of the series was posted 20 November 2023. See the link to the series below in the Categories list.
EMAILS. As always, I invite emails — from my fellow Whites only — to ask questions, give comments, invite me to an interview, or suggest interviewees. Don’t be shy. I am Jim at mywhitetv@tutanota.com .
Please note that the government tells us who the supposed “enemies” are and encourages and commits violence every day against supposed “enemies” foreign and domestic. We have the right to disagree with the government on who are the real enemies and to encourage that same violence to be used against the enemies we identify.
When identifying enemies we must exterminate, we can legally name groups and races, such as all politicians or all jews. But to “incite” violence against particular individuals by name may be illegal, and I don’t encourage it. I might do it anyway, but I do not encourage others to do it.
Do I, Jim Laffrey, incite violence? Yes, of course I do! How else are we to defeat our enemies infesting our governments and every other aspect of our country? I have the right to incite violence just as much as the government incites — and commits — violence every day against people of our country and other countries.
To us Whites, “Free Speech” means the freedom to speak or write the TRUTH as best we can.
To jews, “Free Speech” means the freedom to LIE.
Copyright © 2020 - 2024 — jtl/jbl MyWhiteTV. All Rights Reserved
Wars – Excuse to kill non-jews and make profit of war.
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” jewess Gutle Schnaper, jew Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife.