BreakTime for me and MyWhiteTV. The start is 28Oct2021, and I intend for this to last some weeks.
I fully intend to return! If I turn up dead in circumstances that smell suspicious, investigate! If they call it a suicide, you’ll know I was suicided — murdered. By (((whom)))?
But since I have no large following, no organization, The Enemy — all of jewry — has shown little concern about me lately. Just a piddly bit of harassment. Not at all like it was in my WhitesWillWin days.
To my 50 or so regular viewers, I say “Thank You!” I hope you’ll like my next idea, my next show, even more than my recent work. Yes, I do have a new idea.
You and I, we, are the best of our White race, thus Aryans.
Be proud. Be productive.
Jim Laffrey
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