LibertyBellShow s01e11: Our Aryans. Injun Reality. Hallow not Hollow.

Longterm, known truth here, from 1804 to today.

From the Liberty Bell magazine issue of February 1997, we enjoy excerpts from the excellent article about Our Aryans, written by JB Campbell. His wide-ranging article includes the mostly secret finds in China of hundreds of our Aryan ancestors — corpses and skeletons. White scientific thought dates the finds as thousands of years old, thus questioning where China got the best parts of their culture.

The great Lewis and Clark Expedition journals give us what I call “Injun Reality,” using “injun” instead of “Indian” so that the one word gives the correct impression and avoids having to say more wordy descriptions, especially in a headline. Not talking about India Indians! Read with me one of the most exciting passages from the first year of the expedition, which began in 1804. The injuns certainly were not (and are not) as the jews absurdly describe in tv and movies, etc.

Yes, get a taste of very high-tension times with the hostile Teton Sioux Indian tribe, and comic relief from William Clark’s nigger York.

And it’s “HALLOW” not “Hollow.” Maybe you can guess what this is about, this being October.


This link opens as the pdf file of the February 1997 issue of the Liberty Bell magazine that features the Aryan article by JB Campbell.

This link opens as one of the pages I display in the show on Lewis and Clark featured in the long, multipage narrative on the National Park Service government website. From that page, readers can easily click forward and back to other pages I show.


Views: 4

One Comment

  1. S.A. Perry

    Great show. Your intro reminds me of a song my Daddy sang – Sioux City Sue
    “Sioux City Sue, Sioux City Sue
    Your hair is red, your eyes are blue
    I’d swap my horse and dog for you”

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