LibertyBellShow s01e08: Monopoly. WebTour Part1. Email.

Longterm truth is, as always, featured in this LibertyBellShow series. In this episode:

The enemy, jewry, historically has whined against “monopolies” until they gain control of them, at which point the jews stop the whining. Case in point here: the breakup of ATT, “Ma Bell,” on which Revilo Oliver reported in the Liberty Bell magazine issue of January 1984.

This link opens as the pdf file in which the above article by Revilo Oliver can be found.

My intended WebTour quickly ran out of time, and so I promise to do a proper tour in the next show. In this show, I present an interesting page on the famous/infamous David Irving’s website.

This link opens as the page of Irving’s commentary on current events on his site.

If my work were in print as a paper magazine, I would get Letters To The Editor. But online, “letters” come by way of comments and emails. Here, I feature a very meaty one from a highly admirable White man in these jUnited States.

Also in this episode, images and/or commentary hit on the little jew Greta Thunberg, the old jew-contrived Roe v. Wade court case, independent scientist James McCanney and his “Wing Generator,” and more.


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