FINAL. Could be the final show for ever. Could be the start of a very long break. We shall see.

Join me for historical bits of import, the identifying of prominent crypto-jews, summations, advice, and inspiration.

As I say in the show, I’m not giving up, I’m not going away. I still invite comments and emails.

Rather than repeat myself online, and rather than continuing to suffer with monitoring the crap online in preparation for shows, I plan to feel some well-earned relief from all of that, and I expect to increase my offline efforts. Also, it would be very nice to meet with likeminded fellow Whites. Don’t be shy about getting in touch if that seems doable by long-distance driving — no flying.


Jim Laffrey


  1. Bubba8613

    good video, it would be a shame for you to stop making vidoes.

    • Another wrinkle to my comments system: If a comment has three or more links in it, the comment gets held for my ok. Thus, this comment of yours had to wait a day. Thanks for your other comment about the “shame”.

  2. Hello.
    In a short documentary from ‘The impartial truth’ – Robert Ley states:
    “5000 years ago they exterminated a great people just as they did with the Persians. Now these sadistic people want to eradicate Germany”

    Do you know what people he is referring to?
    How long have the jews been doing this to us whites?

    Many Thanks

    • “Do you know what people he is referring to?” I don’t know, but I hope he’s referring to jewry.

      “How long” have the jews been doing this to us Whites? For sure, between 2,000 and 3,000 years. I like the documentation and reports I’ve seen for about 2,500 years that have been presented by Revilo Oliver and others. Personally, I can’t make solid statements about jewry further back in time than about 2,500 years ago.

      I welcome links to good sources, if you or anyone has ’em.

      Meanwhile, I’m curious about the documentary you have mentioned. Have a link? I wonder who he says got exterminated.

  3. Jim,

    You have quite the treasure trove of info on your computer. Would you consider and is there a way to make some of that available? You kept reading off examples and all I could think of was, ‘Hey, I’d like to hear more about that”.

    • That’s nice of you. Perhaps you could lead a popular uprising, a public clamor, a righteous uproar, a popular demand to bring me back from the dead — uh, I mean, back from the break. Hmmm, I wonder how many people it would take to qualify as “popular demand.”

  4. Hi Jim.
    Not the documentary i was thinking of but here is a bitchute link to the speech..ive found it on telegram and odyssey with slightly different versions or translations:


    • Hi. Thanks for the link. I think the punctuation in the subtitle is misleading. Probably, the thought is that it was the Persians “exterminated” by jewry 5,000 years ago. I still don’t know if the claim is accurate. Not gonna pursue it.

      Under that video, I like two of the comments — well stated optimism.
      1. “There’s always hope. The worse it gets, the better the odds are that someone like Hitler will rise and fight against the status quo. People in Germany in the late 1920s probably thought it was hopeless too.”
      2. “Cavemen who watched 80% of their tribe get ripped apart by disease and cannibals probably thought it was hopeless. Now they have hundreds of millions of descendants because they didn’t give up. We’re all still here and it’s never too late to learn the truth and take action in your own lives.”

  5. Hey Jim, was wondering how you were getting on Brother. i did not have this site link and after the virtual erasure of WTV a few years ago i thought you had moved on to other things. however a Brother is reposting some of your older vids on and i was reminded how i liked your shows. we probably did not agree on everything but i don’t remember any real detrimental disagreements we ever had over the years. sad i got here just as your taking a hiatus but it is very good to get away from all the trash online for a time. i do wish you much success in your future endeavors and thank you for your past work! i will keep an eye here incase you decide to post more in the future. gtsy and speak with you again Brother! \O Heil Hitler and Sieg Heil!

    • Hey, Trey. Happy to hear from you. Thanks very much for this comment, and thanks for asking Bubba8613 on TruthPodium about “what happened” to me. I saw that on TruthPodium before I saw that your comment was in the hopper here. (Your subsequent comments will automatically post if you use the same name and email.)

      My current thinking is that I will return to making shows after a good long break. Meanwhile, though, I may post songs I finish, if I like them enough to post. I finished my latest song two days ago, “Going Home.” I need to wait some days and then listen again with fresh ears to decide if it’s good enough. It has an important set of messages, as all my songs do. So, I HOPE I’ll like it enough to submit it to public hate! 🙂

      Yeah, Bubba8613 is doing fine work on TruthPodium. Sadly, it’s for a small audience. And the audience will not grow as long as the (unstable) owner “Michael” doesn’t take effective steps to fight the DDOS attacks and allow the homepage to load quickly. That’s one of two reasons why I have not made a new account there. Also, “Michael” deleted the VERY good LouisMarschalko account over identifying one or more supposed Whites as crypto-jews. “Michael” was wrong. Unacceptable behavior.

      I’m still in the habit of looking at TruthPodium almost every day. I get it to load quickly by going directly to an internal page, never the homepage. And then I click on the “latest posts” button at the top, and it works well. Also still in the habit is, and LouisMarschalko on — .

      Yet, it feels like another habit I need to break.

      Now, I’ll stop answering questions you did not ask!

      I welcome your reply to answer questions I did not ask.

      Stay strong!
      High regards,

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