GR8 CLIPS 2. jew crimes. Gr8 White Eric Dollard

GR8 CLIPS 2. The Penultimate.

Nail the coffin shut on crypto-jew Jeff Berwick, the “Dollar Vigilante,” shill for crypto-“currency” and anarcho-capitalism.

Mexico. New jew president. Mexiturds in the USA voting in Mexico consulates across the USA.

Identify hundreds of jews and their crimes against Whites of the USA and of the world.

Our great White independent scientist Eric Dollard. Genius in electricity. But no genius is a genius about everything! Have a look and a listen.

Manned Moon Landings. Just in case anybody still needs the simplest, most devastating proof about the hoax, have a look and a listen!


Jim Laffrey


  1. Bubba8613

    jeff berwick is controlled opposition, he is best buddies with max igan who is also controlled opposition.

    • Agreed, except that I go further and conclude from the evidence that both of them are crypto-jews.

      I guess you are the Bubba8613 from TruthPodium. Welcome to my site. By the way, your comment(s) was automatically held for my ok. Now that you’ve had a comment ok’d, subsequent comments with the same name and email will post automatically.

      • yes i am Bubba8613 from truthpodium, i wasnt sure how the commenting system worked on here, thanks for telling me.

  2. Jim, you are the best out there for calling out jewry.
    At times: Im not sure i agree with all that you say is ‘verifiable fact’ (i sometimes consider how an ignorant person would react to your analysis on who you identify as a jew; as the evidence may need to be stronger in my view) .. but i have come to simply trust your analysis when i compare it with my own knowledge of jewry. I BELIEVE you expose the jew and their impact on this world brilliantly like no one else does.

    Please – what do you think of Ken O Keefe?

    Thank you for the work you do.


    • Thanks for your comment and question.
      Ken O’Keefe. Years ago, I wrote him off. He was in too many contrived public events, on too many jew-controlled media, associated with two who I’ve always seen as crypto-jews David Icke and David Duke, and he declared himself a MUSLIM, right?!

      I had forgotten most of this. After getting your question, I did a search to refresh my memory on him. I saw a couple of fairly recent videos — “antisemitic” videos by him — on YouTube, jewtube. It looked like an effort to manufacture some credibility.

      What do I think of him? Never trust him. Maybe a crypto-jew, though I don’t quite have the evidence to make such a conclusion.

      What do YOU think of Ken O’Keefe?

      • What do I think of him?

        Well firstly – i don’t trust tatoo’s, especially on the face, plus i thought he was a devout ‘god’ fearing guy – always a bit of a red-flag in my view. Having said that: Lorraine Day seemed to be significantly ‘god’ fearing – and she too called the jew out.
        There is of course a caviat here because AH himself spoke of ‘god’ and often spoke of the ‘creator’..and i would not want to criticise his comments or him. For me, Christianity is something that i think is jew created and i’d prefer to believe in National Socialism as a religion than anything else.
        I also am cautious of him, owing to his routine availability or ‘air’ time he seems to have been afforded on main stream media..Thats the biggest red-flag in my view.
        BUT, he has said a lot of good stuff (pro-AH too) and if i remember correctly – he opened the Europa series documentary talking about the head of the snake etc…
        So overall he says all the right stuff (for me) but i heed your advice.

        Thank you and the best of luck to you with your new endeavours

      • @Anon: Thank you!

      • yes i think ken o keefe is controlled opposition, stew peters also started talking about jews but he says its the khazar fake jews not “real jews”.

    • Bubba8613

      he exposes the jews and is pro-hitler, but ive never seen him talk about race.

      • Yes, but he used to be “anti-Nazi” and other foul flavors. He morphed over time. The question would be: Did he sincerely LEARN the truth, or has he become a less-limited hangout in order to dupe more of our gullible truthers into accepting him? I think he’s a duper who will get worse again and cause further divide among our population, which would then make it obvious that he’s a crypto-jew. I’ve seen plenty of others over the last 15 years do that trick. Andrew/Andre Anglin leaps immediately to mind as one prime example of such enemy scum.

  3. Just picking up on a comment from Bubba8613 regarding people mentioning the different ‘types’ of jews (Khazar etc) – this is something i come across over time. At some point in the past i read of different jew types: such as Sephardic or Khazar – i forget them all as i lump them all together and never really though it relevant to differentiate.
    Is this all just to confuse people?
    What is your view of the different flavours of there just one type of jew?.. or what is the true way of understanding their different kinds – if thats even a real thing?..

    • Thanks for the question.
      NUMBER ONE: All kinds of jews are united against us Whites.

      In recent history, the two main kinds of jews have been Ashkenazi and Sephardic. There are different kinds of jews because jews have deliberately and strategically interbred with every different race in possession of anything the jews wanted. They produce jews who can pass as members of the targeted races, and then jewry takes control of that city, that country, that region, their resources, their trade routes. So, there are White-looking jews, asian-looking jews, arab-looking jews, nigger-looking jews, etc.

      Emphasis on any particular kind(s) of jews as “good” jews or “real” jews or “fake” jews is, as you put it in your question, ALL JUST TO CONFUSE PEOPLE. That is, to confuse our people and divide our people and prevent our people from uniting on the necessary SOLUTION and acting on it. The SOLUTION is to send the cockroaches, the rats, into extinction.

      Again, thanks for the question and participation on my site.

  4. Thank you for that answer – that certainly helps clarify things for me. I really appreciate that.
    I find that there are many people; some of our persuasion and some routine commenters and others who like to put out their ‘material’ – all who seem to love to spout lots of words about some jews being to blame and other types who are not to blame..and all these writers differ on their results. Some speak of Canaanites – who are they?…some blame the vatican and the masons…to me its all a smoke screen for the jews.

    Thats why your info Jim: is so important – absolutely vital, i would say.

    Apologies in advance, but would you permit me to ask your view on some other people?…

    A year or two ago i came by a couple of Americans named: Emily Youcis and Warren Balogh – they host a program called: modern politics. I have seen them interview a man that i know is our enemy, even though he plays the nationalist tune, but even so i wondered what your views were of them.

    Also: Jim, i recall seeing comments i think you wrote about Hans Speidel. It was on what was the worldtruthvideos at the time, which is now worldtruthpodium i think..essentially the comment focussed on Spiedels involvement as traitor (and likely crypto jew) working under Rommel. He managed to help ensure that the D day landings were won by the allies, whereas Germany could of easily defended the Northern coastline of France. This was a revelation to me but i have lost that video and commentary, so wondered if you had a link or other source of info so i could research that more?

    Thank you very much

    • No apologies needed. When Emily Youcis first appeared on my radar, and I looked at things such as her “It’s Not Unusual” video takeoff on jew Tom Jones’ song and pretending to be a man, I concluded that Youcis is a crypto-jew. I don’t know anything about Warren Balogh.

      Yes, I wrote and said that Speidel was a crypto-jew, thus in perfect position to sabotage Rommel (gullible to crypto-jews, as was Adolf Hitler and his other top men) and the German defenses on the ALLlies’ D Day. I made the conclusion myself about Speidel after collecting enough evidence from David Irving books and related materials showing a network of the crypto-jews from Berlin, to Rommel on the coast, and to Paris.

      I have copies of all the videos I put on WorldTruthVideos, but none of the text under videos, none of the comments. I just now did a search on my website here for “Speidel” and came up empty, so I didn’t put the name in the tags on any of the videos here since June 2020, which may have been an oversight. But a search for “Rommel” reminded me that I have Irving’s book on Rommel on my BOOKS+ Page, and it has notes in it by me. I’m sure I have some notes there pointing out info about Speidel. If I didn’t make the final conclusion there, well, I’m stating it now, again: Speidel, jew, working in a network of crypto-jews.

  5. Thank you Sir.
    ~I am So Thankful of the work you have done. Every white person should be taking an avid interest in this work and are unknowingly indebted to the work you have done to highlight what must surely be: the greatest injustice in the history of this planet.

    My best wishes to you.

  6. Re the number of crypto jews out numbering regular(?) jews. I always thought there are more jews than admitted and this explains it nicely. For fun, check out the members of your county commissioners and the sheriff. I’ll bet you’ll unhappily surprised.

    Pictures from the moon. Without even going to the trouble to analyze the photos, please explain how an unmodified Hasselblad camera was able to function in the lunar environment. It can’t. Those cameras were largely mechanical with few electronic components, like the photo meter. The mechanism requires oil to function. Good luck with that, especially in the severely cold temperatures. These cameras also used film (remember film?). How is that supposed to work? Imagine trying to advance the film when it’s bitter cold. Or the film turning to goop or deforming and clogging the mechanism at hot temps. Magic thinking. Try this at home, if you have an old single lens reflex camera. Wear thick welding gloves and see how well you can operate it. I’ll wait.

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