Special: Water Filters Revelations

jmcc hang-down chinese junk water filter

The Lies of James McCanney confirmed!

SPECIAL: Water Filters Revelations. This show presents direct evidence, including statements from the Michigan manufacturer of water filters that was — was — McCanney’s supplier.


Here’s where I recommend you get your water filters — the same place as I recommended in my April show:

Aqua Cera company of Michigan. Click the link.

Watch the show and you’ll agree with me that none of us should buy any water filters from McCanney, and we should doubt everything he says about what he’s selling.


Jim Laffrey


  1. Surprise. McCanney’s second “tv show” is an actual show and worthwhile. Yes, I give credit where I judge credit is due as I simultaneously skewer that person for being a heinous liar in other aspects of his public life.

    The second “tv show” is of McCanney describing his conclusion about the Nasca Lines and Figures while he shows good photos and diagrams of the sites in Peru. After that, he begins the huge topic of electricity in space, which is related to the Nasca Lines topic. His starting point with the topic of electricity in space is comets.

    Link to the show (yes, it’s on jewtube for free and without having to sign-in. The source is BoldBraveTV.com which is loaded with utter crap, much of it by obvious crypto-jews):

    As always, I invite reactions from you, my viewers. Also as always, I ask that reactions be based on knowledge — with emotion held aside or perhaps applied as spice!

  2. Not a surprise: A couple weeks after I posted this show, I sent an email to McCanney, and I referred him to this show, and I asked for his response to the discrepancies between his last decade of claims and the Aqua Cera spokesman’s statements. Now, two or three weeks later, McCanney has not replied. As predicted.

    • Bubba8613

      does he know about jews?

      • Does McCanney know about jews? He does, to a limited extent. He knows the banksters are jews and once said so. Several years ago, he said the word “jews” a few times in the right context, that is, a negative context. But then he stopped and changed back to “CIA” and “Jesuits” and “The Vatican.” Also, he luvs his “good jews,” such as Einstein, Velikovsky, Hans Beta (scientist on faculty at Cornell when McCanney was there), and a high-school history teacher friend he once said on his radio show was “jewish.” He is a very odd mixed bag. Of course, IF he’s a crypto-jew, it would explain all of his many negatives. But I still come up short of that conclusion.

    • Bubba8613

      so hes similar to jeff berwick then, he will talk about jews sometimes but mainly says its the CIA and the “illuminati”.

      • Yeah, except that berwick is far worse, thus easily identified as a crypto-jew. berwick obviously and deliberately leads people off of jews as The Enemy, says most jews are good jews, and has repeatedly said he thinks “aliens” are the top controllers, and that this life is all a “3-D video game” and we should do nothing except try to enjoy it. And he always pushes the scam of crypto-“currency.” And pushes his example of race-mixing. And promotes running away from White-founded White-built countries and going to live among mexiturds and other muck. Meanwhile, he’s wealthy (as if wealthy from shitcoins), traveling from luxury resort to luxury resort, in and out of Mexico, USA, Canada, South America, and Europe. And he’s connected at the hip to fellow scum crypto-jew max igan.

    • Bubba8613

      there are no good jews period, the jews who supposedly expose their own are just controlled opposition like brother nathanael and henry herskowitz. Max igan says there are good jews similar to jeff berwick. Max igan also promotes other controlled opposition like Jeff rense, Richie allen etc.

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