My FOMO For Linux! Prepare for a surprise and then a shock!

Windows versus Linux. If you haven’t researched Linux yet, then I’ve done it for you. Watch and listen and learn, and laugh.

Also, in this show, the intro topic is about my new website statistics program, which is telling me I have triple the number of visitors than what my previous stats program told me. Yes, indeed, suspect the usual suspects.

Finally, in the show, and right here in black and white, I ask for comments or emails from you, dear audience, on knowledge you have about Linux and any of the many related aspects I hit upon in this video. This is important to all of us — as we all are using computers right now, whether as desktops, laptops, or phones.


  1. Thanks for this. I didn’t think a show about Linux would be any fun. Also, I agree about touchpads. I think they CAUSE carpel tunnel syndrome, as does the mouse. You said you have a lot of stuff you “could” do shows on. Would that include one on a new song in the works?

    • I’ll take “Past-Tense Members Of The Police” for $1,000, Alex.

      Thank you for comments and especially the question. I originally got carpel from my work using computers for five or six years at the Nashville Banner daily newspaper. Subsequently, if I’m not very careful, carpel will flare up when using the laptop wrist-rests and if I use a mouse.

      New song. Yes, thank you. It’s extremely rare for anyone to mention my music, so it’s unlikely I’d do a show on the process. But I might mention some things in a show related to music. Anyway, I am working on a new song titled “Going Home.” It uses an asian-sounding guitar riff and “normal rock” chorus music that I wrote when I was living in Japan (2002-3). Some months ago, I realized a way I could use that music in a Truth song. In a nutshell, the song is about realizing that I had no right to demand change in Japan or Vietnam. I only had that right in my home country. Thus, I’m “Going Home.” This of course applies to all the invaders of our White-founded White-built countries, not that they will listen to me. They have NO right to demand any change whatsoever. Believe it or not, the song has a waltz break! Thus far, I’ve recorded the main drums, the main guitar (“asian”) riff, and the bass guitar track. Oh, and a demo vocal to help decide what the accompanying guitar tracks will do. Last will be the real vocals. Progress is slow, whenever I feel the gumption to do a track. Maybe it’ll be done in a month.


      • lol. I had to think about it. Now I have the other two for you. Stewed and Summered.

        Your comment shows that a video on your musical process would be worthy.

        I hope I’m one speaking for many “lurkers” who visit and agree but don’t write comments. Each new song is always a surprise and a treat!

      • I hope you are, too! You’re fun and much appreciated.

  2. Come on, Linux users! There must be some in my audience. Please share experience, thoughts, advice. Not just for me but for our whole audience — the best, Top-Truth-knowing audience on the planet. (No real names needed. No real email addresses needed.)

  3. Slante brother. I use tails. It’s fantastic. You can use it on USB on your windows machine. Take it where you want to. Hope to catch up with you some day.

    • Thank you, especially for commenting about Linux! Yes, I’ve read about Tails before. Upon your suggestion, I just now did some more reading. I’m glad you find it fantastic. For me, too many steps to set it up, not easy enough to use each time, and using it on a Windows machine (I guess) is asking for trouble as the evil Windows-makers (crypto-jew Gates & crew) probably make ongoing modifications to block or corrupt Tails.

      For anyone interested in Tails (which is a Linux Debian-based operating system), here are the two links I just read to brush-up on the subject:

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