IT’S LITERALLY…! ep1. Mem Day. Invaders. RickySchroder.

IT’S LITERALLY a new show!

Yes, I’m using the term “literally” as satire, as ridicule of the stupid overuse of the word these days.

Also, I call it a show because it IS a show — as opposed to the numbskulls who do audio only yet call it a “show.”

This is episode one of what I intend to be a series often posted through the rest of May and next month, June. I have a lot of little stuff collected and feel the need to unleash it.

So, check back soon for the next episode.

This one includes Memorial Day, the ongoing invasion, actor Ricky Schroder, a Netflix ad on a torrent site, and a bit o’ history about Patrick Henry the Founding Father whose birthday was 29 May 1736.

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