‘Awkward Little Christmas’ by EPautos

The website EricPetersAutos.com very recently posted an article titled “Have Yourself an Awkward Little Christmas.”

I recommend reading this website of Eric Peters, not for top truth, but for news and politics related to our car culture and for his opposition to some of the government-and-media lies, including the false “pandemic,” the poison jabs, the absurdity of masks, and the wrongful demonization of carbon-dioxide. Also, he rightly opposes the long parade of government edicts illegally dictating what car manufacturers can make and what we can buy.

My comment in reply to his article is what I feature in this short video, serving as an appetizer, a set-up, for my intended next video, which will tackle Eric Peters’ Libertarianism and his still-mistaken position on Adolf Hitler and his government. If possible, I hope to influence Mr. Peters and many of his readers and commenters.

These activities we do while we wait, and wait, and wait. You know what we’re waiting for.

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