Crypto-jew Scum of Early USA

Gretchen ESTHER Whitmer, crypto-jew, current criminal governor of Michigan

Let’s mine this historical trove of info on famous, infamous, and unknown jews infesting the American colonies and the early United States of America.

Names. Dates. Slave traders. Slave owners. Politicians. Bankers. Theatre directors. Admitted crypto-jews. Conversos. Mulatto. Chinese jews.

All scum jews. Enemy jews.


  1. Sarah Perry

    University of Kentucky – Yeah!
    Great video – great information, although it doesn’t leave you with a good feeling. So much deception, so many lies. Oh! What a tangled web jews have created from their practice to deceive and lie.

  2. I live in a Communist Ethnic-European country. Like the Orthodox Christians in that grisly Russian usurpation in 1917 (and several attempts before that by the Canaanites), I can’t comment because I’m outnumbered. Ethnic-Europeans haven’t reached critical mass. I’m thinking that, that Christian CRAP has indoctrinated them into Too much compassion; they’ve lost their self-preservation instincts. Too many were brain-washed into depleting their numbers (murdering their fellow Christians/Ethnic-Europeans), using wars since William the Conqueror and Oliver Cromwell (examples). So, for at least 1200 years, Ethnic-Europeans have been exterminating themselves, and thusly, lowering their numbers.
    As a result, Ethnic-Europeans are now hiding. Critical mass is growing dim. Everything is turned upside down and in reverse. Ethnic-Europeans are the ones who are now cowering in fear in their own countries. It’s fascinating while I’ve analysed and investigated the jews™ since 1990, the level of usurpation, criminality, gruesome massacres, poverty, disguises, serial k:i:l:l:e:r:s, infiltration, etc. that the jews™ have executed….execute. . While they’ve analysed and deliberately inter-bred with Ethnic-Europeans for centuries (to disguise their physical ugliness and blend in like parasites), I’ve analysed them. Now, I can easily pick out a male jew™. Females of that species are a little more difficult. They’re SO JEALOUS of Ethnic-Europeans; their biggest competitors. That’s why they need to exterminate Ethnic-Europeans….jealousy. Typical of jews™, they are the most “racist” specimen. They call kneegrows “schwartzeez”. They’ve always known what kneegrows are. That’s why they’ve infested Ethnic-European countries with kneegrows; exterminate/cannibalise Ethnic-Europeans.

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