CATCHUP ‘N’ MUSTER. 004. God speaks our language

004. In Japanese, the number four is “shi,” but that also means “death.” Thus, the Japanese often avoid sets of four.

In this death set of Catchup ‘n’ Muster, the final featured guests are Adolf Hitler and God. Both oblige us by speaking in English, not their native tongues.

By the way, “shi” is pronounced the same as the English “she.”

The Japanese don’t call their language “Japanese.” They call it “Nihongo.” “Nihon” is their, correct, name for their country. And the “go” essentially means “language.”

People who never study a foreign language have no idea of the field of knowledge that such study brings to light.

People who never study yet another foreign language have no idea of the field of knowledge that comparing foreign languages brings to light.



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