Shorts: Musical jews

There are a zillion musical enemy jews. They infest every kind of music, such as rock, jazz, country, folk, classical, blues, and whatever else.

In this episode9 of the Shorts series titled Musical jews, let’s look at a few with examples of evidence and reasoning. Remember: Most jews in our White-founded White-built countries PRETEND to be Whites. They don’t tell us they’re jews. They’re crypto-jews. It’s up to us to ferret them out.


  1. It almost seems as if Tim Pierce was hinting that Shull is a jew. What about Rick Beato? He supposedly helped Shull get established.

    Don’t think Pierce is a jew. Exchanged some e-mails with him and even spoke to him on the phone for about 30 min. He was encouraging me since I am a beginner guitar player.
    If you listen to him speaking about his set up, including his pedal farm, he espouses settings that the guitar player can influence at the strings. I love listeningbto his riffs and solos.

    • Thanks, Charlie.
      “What about Rick Beato?” I would bet he’s a jew, but I haven’t assembled evidence on him to officially make the call.

      Wow, you talked on the phone with Pierce. How does that happen? How would that come about? Who gave whom a phone number, and who initiated the call? Also, are there any entertaining or educational nuggets from your interaction that you can share with us?

      • Pierce has an online guitar course with a free trial period. I emailed some questions to him and he responded and between us scheduled a time when he could call and talk to me for a little while. He said it’s something he does, i.e. calls and talks to other guitar players no matter what level. I asked about my first guitar, since I was having issue with. We talked about acoustic vs electric, because at some point I want to get an electric guitar. He also gave me encouragement to practice and learn, telling me it’s not an easy instrument to learn. Seemed like genuinely decent man.
        BTW, I did not subscribe to his course. I am finding that most “beginner’s” courses start out at the right level, but soon advance to quickly without taking the beginner’s capabilities in mind and/or they firehose you with things to learn, but with no guidance on how to get there.

      • Thank you, Charlie. Interesting and informative.
        For any beginners on guitar, I will mention that, in general, a decent electric guitar is far more easy to play than a decent acoustic guitar. On acoustics, it’s generally more difficult to push down on the strings, therefore more difficult and irritating to learn to play chords and learn to quickly-smoothly shift from chord to chord. Also, an electric played withOUT an amp is relatively quiet, unlikely to bother anyone elsewhere in the house.

  2. On Rick Beato – Just did a cursory looked through on the internet. My initial conclusion is tha he is not a jew. Came from a blue collar Italian family in Rochester, NY. He also has several videos about himself and how hard an aspiring muscian has to work in they want to make it a career. Two negatives I came across: 1 – Shull was his intern for a while; 2 – pretty sure his wife is not White. Has had a couple of his children appear in his videos. His son has non-White colored skinn and black hair.

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