MyWhiteSHOW: Geo-History World Tour. Men Women and Offense. Kike Covid Rules vs Whites.
Let’s take a turn around the globe talking geology and White history, pyramids, other megalithic structures, sea navigation schools, and more.
Some of this knowledge comes from the amazing works of Martin Doutre and James McCanney, whose websites are given along the way.
Also in this s01e19 issue of MyWhiteSHOW — which is Your White Show — is a brief discourse on a vital and natural difference between our White Men and White Women. And this directly relates to the enemy jewry and their tools.
In the third segment, I invite you to ponder memes and other images on the kikes making and breaking the rules that they illegally, oppressively, tyrannically enforce on us Whites. Yes, of course, the focus is on the current false-virus Covid-19 rules. And thanks to David Irving, we expose another set of jews and crypto-jews atop another state of the United States, specifically Pennsylvania.
And let’s just be absolutely clear, again, about the only way to defeat the enemy — jewry: We must kill them. All of them. They’re killing us. Who can deny this obvious, bloody fact? We must kill them before they finish killing most of us. Except for a few individual heroes, our White race has not even begun to fight back.
Defense, alone, can not win. Offense Is Required.
I know there are many who see David Erving as a great personality, I have for a long time had a a feeling that David is paid opposition, his stories about his persecution of him build his credibility, that also problem with his access to documents , which others can not access, which I find a little strange. David Erving has in a you tube interview told that there were two houses in one of the concentration camps where the Germans gassed Jews head significantly older and sick, the two houses were at 100 square meters, called the Red and the Blue house, which I find strange because it requires a pressure chamber. I mean there was Auschwitz. (video has been removed by YouTube and I can not find it if you find it so sent a link)
I am jbl, owner and operator of this website. Deamon, I have allowed this one of your four comments to be posted. This is the least problematic of your comments while still being representative of what I don’t accept. Your lack of checking your own comments for significant typos and other significant errors is one problem. Your statement, “I mean there was Auschwitz”, is another problem. What do you mean? ZERO jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz. You see, each of your comments requires me to respond, and each response will have to be longer than each of your comments. This is unacceptable. So, the other three comments from you will not be published. I don’t allow comments to distract from my message in my videos and articles. I don’t allow comments to muddy the waters and cause confusion in readers’ minds. These violations are usually committed by enemies, but occasionally by well-intended but mistaken Whites. I can only hope that you are the latter. Thank you.