MyWhiteSHOW: Benefit of Belief? Whitmer ‘kidnap’ plot, and Mean MEMEs

Your White Show presents “Benefit Of Belief?” and cuts to the chase, as you would expect. Also in this s01e12 edition:

  • The absurd “kidnap” plot vs. jew Whitmer, governor of Michigan, and
  • Mean MEMEs

Now, I give you the text I wrote and delivered as the main segment of this show:

Benefit Of Belief?

First, we ought define our terms.
Belief” is the accepting that something is true without verifiable facts to support it.
Knowledge” is accepting that something is true based on verifiable facts in support of it.

My Rules of Thumb and WoWs on beliefs:

  1. Belief vs Knowledge (as above)
  2. I don’t know how the Universe got here. I am not making up a story nor adopting one to fill the gap. (this is where i stop. the believers stop at ‘where did your God come from?’)
  3. All religions say the other religions are wrong. Thus, only one, maximum, could possibly be right, or ALL are wrong.
  4. On the railroad track of Truth, belief is the first step off the rails.

I like to ask believers: “What are the benefits of your belief?” I point out that believers — just as much as nonbelievers — get sick, have accidents, get hit by tornadoes, get robbed and raped, die unnatural deaths, die as soldiers, suffer family problems, and have their rights taken away by tyrant governments.

Speaking of rights, we often see and hear our ignorant fellow Earthlings talk about “our God-given rights.” Really, are our rights given to us by God? If so, why does He obviously not care if we get to keep our rights? The first bully who comes along takes our rights away. God lets it happen. The first group of jews that comes along takes our rights away and never, ever, lets up. God lets it happen. The only way people in history broke at least some of the chains put on them by jews was to expel or kill the jews. God didn’t stop that, either.

Believers respond to bad events by saying “the Devil did it,” or “freewill.” The Devil: another figment of their imaginations. Do they not realize that if “the Devil” exists, it was made by their God? The Devil must have freewill, too! I was a 12-year-old when I mentally punched my way out of that wet paper bag.

If God knows the entire past, present, and future, then God knows when He makes you what you will do and what will happen to you throughout your whole life. Thus, it’s already a done deal. It’s “God’s Plan.” If God knows that tomorrow you’ll be hit by a car, it’s utter blasphemy for you to think you can “freewill” your way out of it. You’re saying that what God knows is wrong?!

Believers always have to fall back on their beliefs to defend their beliefs. Since there are no proven benefits to their beliefs in this physical world, believers say the payback is the afterlife, heaven. Another figment of their imagination. Where is this heaven? It used to be on the clouds. But then we Whites invented airplanes and rockets and proved there’s nothing up there.

The same with hell. Where is that? It used to be underground. But then we Whites dug very deep mines, and invented drills and various kinds of radar and have shown there’s no place for hell down there.

The truth about heaven and hell is that they are right here. We feel we are in heaven when strong White MEN conquer the enemy and establish peace for us, and we happily prosper, raise admirable families, and feel we are in heaven. And hell is the result of weak men letting the enemy or enemies destroy our heaven. We’re in hell right now.

Pretending that there is a supernatural heaven somewhere and a supernatural hell somewhere is a con job of control. If the tyrant can get people to believe — to accept that imaginary heaven and hell exist — and that the tyrant knows the rules on how you get to enter the bliss of heaven or to burn in hell, then those stupid people will live their lives under the tyrant’s rules.

And folks, jews wrote the Bible.

Jews wrote the Bible and DON’T follow it.

Doesn’t that tell you they wrote it for other purposes?

Doesn’t that tell you they wrote it as a weapon against any nonjews gullible enough to “BELIEVE” their supernatural nonsense?

Let’s look at one of the famous Bible stories. The FLOOD. Noah’s Flood. YES, there was a FLOOD. There was more than one flood in Earth’s history. We know this from the geological record and the many man-made structures that we find underwater today: off Bimini, off Japan, off Cuba, and elsewhere. Some of them sank. But they didn’t all sink. A huge amount of water came down upon the Earth, and the ocean quickly rose, and some civilizations were drowned. And they are still drowned, still underwater.

HOW could this happen? How could NATURE do this?

There is one natural, cataclysmic way — that we know of. From the great work of independent scientist James McCanney, we know that comets are not at all what the jew liars of NASA say they are. And space is not empty. There are atoms of the basic elements out there. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and more, they are out there. Inside our Solar System, a comet is electrically connected to the Sun, and the comet tail is where atoms are electrically combined.

Typically, comet tails make a lot of water. And comet tails stretch for millions of miles. One thing that can happen if the Earth gets in a comet tail is a DELUGE of water. And not just water. But let’s stick to water for today. A month of nonstop torrential rain like we have never seen, and all around the world. That’s a FLOOD!

No GOD involved. Just NATURE doing its thing. That’s THE Flood, called by the jews “Noah’s Flood.”

The jews made up the stupid story that God decided to murder, by drowning, all the humans HE had made except for Noah’s family, and to murder all the land animals, too. And God told Noah in advance, and to build a boat to save himself and to save breeder pairs of all land creatures.

And since then, Noah’s family, in however many thousands of years it has been, begat all the separate races of the human species? Some descendants of Noah turned into niggers while others turned into Chinese while others turned into the aborigines of Australia while others turned into Whites, and some jews stayed jews?

ONLY BELIEF can accept such physical impossibilities, such nonsense, as true.

Now, I mentioned the great scientist James McCanney. He is a poster boy for cognitive dissonance. This is a famous term for the carrying of two (at least two) mutually EXclusive, contradictory, concepts in one’s mind as if both were true.

As great as James McCanney is on the physical sciences, and electricity, and how our Solar System works, and how Weather works, he preaches the Bible version of the absurd jew story of Noah’s Flood. He does not contradict it. What he does is add his science on top of it, saying the water came from a comet tail.

He does NOT say it’s impossible to fit all the animals in a boat even 10 times the size of the biblical boat. He does NOT say it’s impossible for all human races to have evolved from Noah’s family in several thousand years. He doesn’t touch on those subjects when he’s preaching Noah’s Flood.

BUT when he’s talking about nonbiblical subjects, he does say that the races evolving separately in several thousand years “Could Not Possibly Be True.” That’s a catch phrase of his: “Could Not Possibly Be True.”

So, sadly, he is a poster boy for cognitive dissonance.

One more story. A brief one. A woman I know well in Tennessee has, for the decades I have known her, been a believer, a Christian believer. After not being in touch for 20 years, I had a conversation with her. She said a son had died while on a hiking or camping trip in the mountains. And in her intense grief, while lying in bed, she felt the hand of God touch her shoulder to comfort her. She said this is proof.

Of course, what she felt was a hallucination. And if God were on her side and was going to touch somebody, why didn’t He just touch her son to prevent his death?

I know, only the rarest of intelligent White adults will open their minds to knowledge and shed belief. I can only hope that I have reached a few such fellow Whites with this video. More-so, I hope I am reaching White teenagers who are not yet locked into the mind-poisons poured into their brains before they knew what was being done to them.

My Rules of Thumb and WoWs on beliefs:

  1. Belief vs Knowledge (as above).
  2. I don’t know how the Universe got here. I am not making up a story nor adopting one to fill the gap.
  3. All religions say the other religions are wrong. Thus, only one, maximum, could possibly be right, or ALL are wrong.
  4. On the railroad track of Truth, belief is the first step off the rails.

Belief will not win, can not win, against the jews.

I see political signs in yards — dupes for jew Biden; dupes for jew Trump. And among them, a sign that says, “God’s Got This!” Both sides say, “God’s Got This.”

Did God have the scamdemic and lockdown, the martial law? Does God have the ongoing murders by jewAntifa and BLM? Does God have the wars in the Middle East where our Whites get sent to die for jews? Did God have 9/11? Did God have WW2, where the jews won, not us?

Some fellow Whites look at all the churches, all the suicidal belief, all the suicidal pacifism, and say we’ve already LOST.

I refuse to accept that. WE ARE STILL HERE, physically able, and well armed! All we have to do is start killing the enemy.

We don’t need all the gullible stupid dupes to supposedly “wake up.” To win, WE just have to kill enough jews before THEY kill enough of US to win.


Jim Laffrey

PS. The lying government says we have to kill anybody and everybody but jews. Never jews.


  1. I agree with your thoughts, thanks

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